NEWS 2020
New Publication: Hindemith-Jahrbuch / Annales Hindemith 2020/XLIX
This year’s Annals of Hindemith reveals a wide range of research findings including biographical details, analyses, philological studies and documentation, permitting a profound insight into the cosmos of Hindemith’s creative oeuvre.
The investigation undertaken by Franziska Sagner focuses on Hindemith’s friendships in his adopted country Switzerland, simultaneously reflecting the composer’s interest in diverse subject areas and topics.
Hindemith’s own comments on his Engelkonzert [Concert of Angels] from his probably most popular orchestral work, the Symphony "Mathis der Maler", provide the basis for Oliver Huck’s description of the work’s dimensions both from the aspect of Concert of Angels and Concert of Angels. The investigation is rounded off by an impression of the contemporary reception of this work.
In response to increasing hostilities expressed in Nazi propaganda, Hindemith avoided making public appearances and began composing works including lieder with piano accompaniment on texts by Friedrich Hölderlin which displayed a direct correspondence to his own biographical constellation. Franziska Reich presents the sources of these lieder and an analysis of their content.
Luca Toncian examines the compositional richness of the monumental piano cycle "Ludus tonalis" from a pianist’s aspect.
Hindemith-Jahrbuch / Annales Hindemith 2020/XLIX
Herausgeber: Hindemith Institut Frankfurt im Auftrag der Fondation Hindemith, Blonay (CH)
Mainz: Schott 2020
ISBN-13: 978-3-7957-2185-5
ISSN: 0172-956X

The Hindemith Days 2020 are focused on the 125th anniversary of the composer’s birth. Although the Corona pandemic has necessitated a range of limitations in planning and implementation, we are delighted to be able to offer you a series of attractive events including concerts, a lecture, a discussion and a film screening. Our partners in this year‘s cooperation project between the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt and the Hindemith Institute include the Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt, the music publishing house Schott Music Mainz, the church parish Frankfurt-Nordwest and the concert series Musik in St. Katharinen in Frankfurt. Dr Ina Hartwig, Head of Cultural Affairs in the City of Frankfurt am Main is the patron of the Hindemith Days 2020.
You are cordially invited to all events. We are looking forward to seeing you!
1 Musiker*in, 1 Zuhörer*in, 2 Meter Abstand
Die 1:1 CONCERTS trotzen der Corona Krise, schaffen künstlerische Kraftorte und erspielen Spendenbeiträge für die solidarische Unterstützung in Not geratener Musiker*innen.
In Kooperation mit der Oper Frankfurt bietet das Hindemith Kabinett im Kuhhirtenturm dieses ganz besondere Konzertformat an.
weitere Informationen
Hindemith in Switzerland
The musicologist Catherine Buser examines aspects of Hindemith's years of his life in Switzerland in three extensive radio broadcasts: she visits Bluche above Sierre in the Canton Valais, the composer's place of exile between 1938 and 1940 and the Villa La Chance, Hindemith's final domicile in Blonay above Lake Geneva where he lived from 1953 onwards. She also provides insights into his friendships and series of acquaintances during this period.
Click here to listen

New Publication: Hindemith - Schott. Correspondence
The correspondence between Paul Hindemith and the publishing house B. Schott’s Söhne in Mainz consists of 2800 written documents. The protagonists are on the one side Paul Hindemith and his wife Gertrud who also competently continued business with the publisher after the death of her husband, being well-acquainted with his works, and on the other side Ludwig und Willy Strecker, the proprietors of the publishing house, and several of their colleagues. The correspondence spanning the period 1919 to 1967 not only reveals a vivid image of Hindemith’s relationship with his publishers which also developed into a close friendship over the decades, but also provides an exclusive insight into the artistic developments and political upheavals of the modern era – an extraordinary document of 20th century musical history.
Hindemith - Schott. Der Briefwechsel 1919-1967
Edited by Susanne Schaal-Gotthardt, Luitgard Schader and Heinz-Jürgen Winkler
A publication by the Hindemith Institute Frankfurt commissioned by the Fondation Hindemith, Blonay (CH)
Vol. I: 1919-1935
Vol. II: 1936-1952
Vol. III: 1953-1967
Vol. IV: Register
Schott Music ED 23205
ISBN 978-3-7957-1916-6
Review: Deutschlandfunk, 18.5.2020